Top 10 Dark Web Search Engines - Black Hat Hacking

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Friday 13 March 2020

Top 10 Dark Web Search Engines

Top 10 Dark Web Search Engines

When we have to search something on the Internet, our mind by default goes to Google or Bing. Obviously, our mind is tuned that way, and we get the results we seek. But how often do we consider that the information we are really looking for might be available on the dark web?
Major search engine keep meticulous details of our movement on the Internet. Well, if you don’t want Google to know about your online searches and activities, it is best to keep anonymity.
Now, what about those huge databases of content lying in the repository of ‘Invisible Web’ popularly known as the ‘Deep Web’ where the general crawlers are not able to reach? How do you get them?
Deep web content is believed to be about 500 times bigger than normal search content, and it mostly goes unnoticed by regular search engines. When you look at the typical search engine, it performs a generic search. For example, there are huge personal profiles, and records of people related documents on static websites, and this high-quality content is invisible to the search engines.

Why is a Dark Web search not available from Google?

The primary reason Google doesn’t provide deep web content is that this content doesn’t index in the regular search engines. Hence, these search engines will not show results, or crawl to a document or file which is unindexed by the world wide web. The content lies behind the HTML forms. Regular search engines crawl, and the searches are derived from interconnected servers.
Interconnected servers mean you are regularly interacting with the source, but when it comes to the dark web this does not happen. Everything is behind the veil and stays hidden internally on the Tor network; which ensures security and privacy.
Only 4 percent of Internet content is visible to the general public, and the other 96 percent is hidden behind the deep web.
Now, the reason Google is not picking up these data, or why dark web content does not get indexed is not a hidden secret. It is mainly that these businesses are either illegal or bad for the society at large. The content can be of things like porn, drugs, weapons, military information, hacking tools, etc.
Robots Exclusion
The robot.txt that we normally use is to tell the website which of the files it should record and register that is to be indexed.
Now we have a terminology called ‘robots Exclusion files’. Web administrators will tweak the setup in a way that certain pages will not show up for indexing, and will remain hidden when the crawlers search.
Let’s look at some of the crawlers that go deep into the internet.
In order to access these sites your will need a special browser and know how to connect safely to protect yourself

List of Best Dark Web Search Engines of 2019

  • Pipl
  • MyLife
  • Yippy
  • SurfWax
  • Torch
  • Google Scholar
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Fazzle
  • Not Evil
  • Start Page
  • Wayback machine
  • Candle
  • Ahmia
  • Searx


This is one of the search engines that will help you dig deep and get the results which may be missing on Google and Bing. Pipl robots interact with searchable databases and extract facts, contact details and other relevant information from personal profiles, member directories, scientific publications, court records and numerous other deep-web sources.


Mylife engine can get you the details of a person, viz-a-viz personal data and profiles, age, occupation, residence, contact details etc. It also includes pictures and other relevant history of the person latest trip and other surveys if conducted. What’s more, you can rate individuals based on the profile and information.


Yippy in fact a Metasearch Engine (it gets its outcomes by utilizing other web indexes), I’ve included Yippy here as it has a place with an entryway of devices a web client might be occupied with, for example, such as email, games, videos and so on.


SurfWax is a subscription-based search engine. It has a bunch of features apart from contemporary search habits. According to the website, the name SurfWax arose because “On waves, surf wax helps surfers grip their surfboard; for Web surfing, SurfWax helps you get the best grip on information — providing the ‘best use’ of relevant search results.” SurfWax is able to integrate relevant search based with key finding elements for an effective search result.


Torch is a Chromium-based web browser and Internet suite developed by Torch Media. The browser handles common Internet-related tasks such as displaying websites, sharing websites via social networks, downloading torrents, accelerating downloads and grabbing online media, all directly from the browser.

Google Scholar

Another Google search engine, but quite different from its prime engine, Google Scholar scans for a wide range of academic literature. The search results draw from university repositories, online journals, and other related web sources.


Unlike Google, this search engine does not track your activities, which is the first good thing about it. This has a clean UI and it is simple and yes, it has the ability to deep search the internet.


Accessible in English, French, and Dutch, this is a meta web index engine. It is designed to get quick results. The query items include Images, Documents, Video, Audio, and Shopping, Whitepaper and more.

Not Evil

The not for profit ‘not Evil’ search engines entirely survives on contribution, and it seems to be getting a fair share of support. Highly reliable in the search results, this SE has a functionality that is highly competitive in the TOR network.

Start Page

Startpage was made available in the year 2009. This name was chosen to make it easier for people to spell and remember.

Wayback machine

This engine gives you enormous access to the URL information. It is the front-end of the Internet Archive of open web pages. Internet Archive allows the public to post their digital documents, which can be downloaded to its data cluster. The majority of the data is collected by the web crawlers of Wayback machines automatically. The primary intention of this is to preserve public web information.


Candle search engine does not allow parentheses, boolean operators; any type quotes into search query, if you put any of these types things into search query, then you wouldn’t get required results.

Ahmia Deep Web Search Engine

Same as other deep web search engine, Ahmia also offering query searching service, means put your query into search text box and press search button and get result.

Searx Search Engine

This search engine is open source seach engine, you can modify Searx source code according to you and also you can participate in search engine functions enhance program.

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